Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Quiz Time!

Step on down! You have been selected to participate in the first ever Something to Say quiz: "What Type of Evangelist Are You?"!

This quiz will ask you about how you have/think you would share the Gospel with others. After you have answered a few questions, this quiz here will reveal what type of evangelist you are and who from the bible you can learn from.

I did not write this quiz, I actually found it while I was trying to write my own quiz! This quiz belongs to Dare 2 Share Ministries. The original quiz can be found here. I do not, in any way, own this quiz.

Get ready, here's question one!

1) Which word describes you the most?
a) creative
b) bold
c) organized
d) caring

2) “Sometimes I tend to…
a) …set my goals too high.”
b) …hurt people’s feelings with my directness.”
c) …get impatient when things don’t go as planned.”
d) …worry about what other people think of me.”

3) Which phrase describes you the most?

a) To dream the impossible dream
b) Just do it!
c) A place for everything and everything in its place.
d) Friends are friends forever.

4) “My friends would probably describe me as…

a) …the life of the party.”
b) …the leader of the pack.”
c) …the most organized person they know.”
d) …a friend who really listens.”

5) If there were a friend you wanted to lead to Christ which of the following things would you be more likely to do?

a) find the most creative way you possibly could to bring up the subject
b) just go and tell them the gospel
c) think through all of the arguments that they may have beforehand and then make a plan to initiate a well thought through presentation of the gospel
d) take them out to a coffee shop and pray that it naturally comes up in the conversation

6) What makes you the most uncomfortable in a witnessing situation?

a) Not being able to reach them right away in a creative way
b) Beating around the bush
c) Not knowing exactly what to say
d) Making the person you are witnessing to feel uncomfortable

7) What is your biggest concern when it comes to evangelism?

a) Boring them
b) Being quiet about the gospel
c) Not being ready to share my faith logically
d) The other person’s feelings

8) If you were to describe your witnessing style what phrase would you use?

a) Unique, creative and different!
b) Ready, willing and able!
c) Always be prepared!
d) Earn the right to be heard!

9) “Sometimes I tend to be…

a) …idealistic when it comes to sharing my faith.”
b) …insensitive when it comes to sharing my faith.”
c) …impatient when it comes to sharing my faith.”
d) …intimidated when it comes to sharing my faith.”

10) “If I were trying to motivate someone else to share their faith I would try to…

a) …excite them about the impact they could make.”
b) …take them out witnessing.”
c) …help them make an effective plan.”
d) …encourage them to build strong relationships with the lost first.”

So what are you? Mostly A’s, B’s, C’s, or D’s?

If you are mostly A’s you are a Vision-driven Evangelist.

Vision-driven evangelists are creative and innovative when it comes to evangelism because they see the big picture. Their goal is to have a maximum impact on those around them. To do this they let their imaginations run wild and are very strategic in their approach to leading others to Jesus Christ.

If you are mostly B’s you are Action-driven Evangelist.

Action-driven Evangelists like to talk a lot. They are extremely outgoing and upbeat. These evangelism extroverts have no problem initiating conversations about the gospel with complete strangers. They ooze evangelism. Action-driven Evangelists can’t help telling others the good news of Jesus Christ. They love to introduce others to him with a direct, verbal approach.

If you are mostly C’s you are a Logic-driven Evangelist.

Logic-driven Evangelists are detailed, intellectual planners. They love to share their faith through healthy debate and well thought out discussions. They usually know their stuff and tend to be ready when it comes to objections. The best apologists (those who defend the faith with well-reasoned arguments) tend to be Logic-driven Evangelists.

If you are mostly D’s you are a Friendship-driven Evangelist

Connecting evangelists are relational in their approach. They build bridges of love and kindness and then cross that bridge with the cargo of the gospel in a personal and sensitive way. Friendship-driven Evangelists are usually great disciplers. Once they lead someone to Christ the relationship is so strong already that getting that person out to church, youth group or small group is usually not that much of a challenge.

Understand your model

Each style of evangelism has a corresponding Biblical model. As a matter of fact the way that I discovered these styles of evangelism is by doing a study of the New Testament grouping different types of witnesses into general categories. After narrowing these groups down again and again I finally came to the four categories of Vision-driven, Vocal-driven, Logic-driven, and Feeling-driven Evangelists. Finally, I picked one Biblical character that represents that particular style of evangelism.

The apostle Paul was a Vision-driven Evangelist. His slogan could have been “win the world!” As made clear in Colossians 1:28 his goals for the gospel were high. He wanted to reach “everyone” with the gospel message and would not rest until “everyone” was saved and matured in Christ. His primary concern was maximum impact when it came to evangelism. He went to the biggest towns of that culture to make sure that he was being used by God to reach as many as possible. He also made it clear that he wanted knew turf where the gospel had not been
proclaimed. He wanted new soil to plant the seed of truth in deeply. Paul was also extremely creative in the way he communicated the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Peter was Action-driven. He was the first want to speak up and the last one to shut up. If he had a motto it could have been, “Win the world…now!” He was extremely aggressive in his evangelism style. As evidenced by Acts 2 it is obvious that he didn’t hesitate when an opportunity to deliver the gospel to an unreached audience came. In Acts 2 a crowd of interested Jews gathered to hear the initial handful of believers speak in different languages simultaneously. Some thought they were drunk. Others probably thought they were just plain nuts. Peter seized the opportunity, jumped to his feet and snagged the attention of the crowd of thousands, “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. These men are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning! No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel….”(v14, 16). In just seconds he seized their attention and segued into the gospel. In just minutes he had led three thousand men to Christ.


Luke was Logic-driven…by his own admission. Listen to the words he wrote to Theophilus,
“ Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught” Luke 1:1-4.
Luke took more of an intellectual approach to evangelism. He, as a doctor, thought analytically and scientifically. He presented the message of hope in light of eyewitness accounts and hard-hitting evidence. Logic-driven Evangelists tend to take a more analytical, intellectual approach to evangelism. They think their presentation through and share the gospel with their audiences persuasively and logically. They organize their message in such a way as to best appeal to the minds of those they are witnessing to.


Priscilla and Aquilla were feeling-driven in their witnessing style. In Acts 18 they met an impressive man named Apollos. “He was a learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures” v.24. One problem though, he hadn’t yet heard of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Instead he was preaching the baptism of John and the coming kingdom of Christ. His message wasn’t inaccurate, just incomplete. Priscilla and Aquilla didn’t jump down his throat as soon as he walked away from the pulpit. Instead, “…they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately” v.26. That’s a nice way of saying they witnessed to him. They took him in and probably, over a home-cooked meal, filled in the blanks for him. They built a bridge and crossed it. They treated him with love, dignity and respect as they gently shared with him the complete gospel message.
Feeling-driven evangelists are relational in their evangelistic approach. They love others into the kingdom. Whereas a Logic-driven evangelist’s witnessing slogan could be, “Let’s start with a plan!” a Friendship-driven evangelist’s slogan could be, “Let’s start with a friend!” They tend to be listeners more than talkers.

What's my personal evangelistic style? Well, I'm pretty evenly spread but I am actually a *drumroll* logic-driven evangelist! Remember, there is no right or wrong type of evangelist. We were all made differently so we could reach different people! Embrace they way you were made!

In His Service,
